Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Been running great lately

I'm sure you'll be glad to hear I've been playing a good bit of poker again (I know I'm delusional anyone is even reading this, but it makes it easier to write assuming someone, somewhere is). I've been running pretty damn good lately. Aside from one stupid game I played a couple days ago, I have been at least cashing in all my games for over the past week. I know it's probably just a lucky streak where I'm running pretty hot, but I have been doing a good bit of reading the last little while so my game may just be getting better too. I've only one 1 in all those wins, so my heads up game still really sucks. This was how my game tonight ended, so it may not all be my bad HU game:

It's nice to be playing again, I do miss it when I don't play but it seems something always comes up. I've been trying to play at least one SNG a night and have been reading a few more books then before. I've also tried to stay active over at cardschat.com, but again it seems that is easier said than done. Here in about two weeks I'm going to have my spring break (I know that's a little late, but better late then never). My wife and I are going to be taking a cruise down to Mexico. I will definitely get a few hands in at the casino on the ship. It'd be nice to take down a good win on there and pay for a little bit of the vacation.

Well that's about all for me tonight. I'd like to say, "talk to you soon", but if you have learned anything from reading on here, you know I'm horribly inconsistent with keeping up with this blog. So I'll talk to you some time. Good luck at the tables.