Saturday, April 24, 2010

Anyone else in a RUSH?

Sorry for the stupid title. I guess I was feeling clever. Anyway, on to what I came to talk about. I have been playing a good bit of Rush poker lately. If you haven't heard about it, it's a newer game from Full Tilt. It's pretty much the same as everything else, except as soon as you fold you are sent straight to a new table with new people. It cuts down on a lot of the waiting that some people don't like about poker. The good thing is that a lot of people play super tight on here. When people do this, they pretty much turn there cards face up. You win so many hands on here from stealing, c-betting, and your implied odds hands. You do have to be a little careful if you are a tilter. There WILL be some crazy coolers here and you'll just have to take 'em in stride.

While most of my time has been spent on Full tilt lately (trying to grind out my first deposit bonus on there) I have spent some time on stars. Usually when I play on stars it's just for some SNG's or an occasional cash game. I played a STT SNG earlier today and came in second. It was pretty long game, but it was pretty fun. I haven't played many SNG's lately and it's always nice to get back into them and win al little. Sometimes when you play a few it just seems so easy to win them every time, then you'll go on that down swing that pulls you right back down to reality. Anyway, the main reason I brought this SNG up was to show you a pretty shitty hand for a couple people. It was pretty much all-in pre-flop and when the cards were turned up I'm sure a couple people were pissed. Anyway here you go:

Well Kayleah just walked in with some dinner, so it's time to eat. Good luck at the tables.

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