Saturday, September 26, 2009

Sometimes Things Just go Right!

Do you ever have those days where it seems like everything is just going right? Well I've had a couple of those the last few days, on the felt and off. In the last couple days (I don't play to many hands a day) I've gotten aces about three times, and a ton of just great hands. Tonight in the span of 4 hands; I had aces once and AK twice. Here's one of those AK hands I got a screen shot of:

You can't really ask for a better flop than that with AK. With the pocket Aces I also stacked the guy off. He had a shit hand but was still more than happy to put it all-in against me. In the beginning of playing this time around, I ran into a few bad beats and it really dropped my win rate down. I've been climbing my way back out and have been doing pretty damn good (if I do say so myself). Here's a quick screen shot of my graph:

I know it's not a very big sample yet, but it's going pretty good. I'm sitting on $82.03. I don't remember the exact amount I started with (it's either $30 or $35). Either way, I've doubled my initial deposit. Once I finally make it up to $100 I can finally make my first jump in limits. I'll finally be playing 5nl, yay!!!! On another topic, here in a couple days, I finally get to join the CC freerolls again. That should/may help me build my BR up. At the start of next month, I'll go ahead and put up another month goal list. I hope I can do better on this upcoming one then I've done on my last ones.

Well that should do it for tonight. I think I may head back to the tables and put in a few more hands before I head off to bed. I wish you the best of luck.

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